FC Gemstones

FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL: A Year of Vision, Passion, and Progress


One year ago, a dream was set into motion—an ambitious dream that aimed to revolutionize football and talent development across the continent. The story began when the founder of FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL, while scouting in the outskirts of Ikorodu, discovered a young, promising footballer. In seeking opportunities for this single player, the founder was struck by a larger vision: to build a platform where many more talents could grow, thrive, and shine. This was the birth of FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL—a club founded not only to develop individual talents but to nurture an ecosystem for future football stars.

As Lao Tzu, the great Chinese philosopher, wisely said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” That first step was taken exactly one year ago during the inaugural training session. What seemed at the time to be a small beginning, a humble initiative, has since evolved into a thriving pathway for young players to shape their careers. Today, FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL provides direction and purpose to many budding footballers who once wandered without a clear path. Through hard work and dedication, the club has already positioned itself as a beacon of hope and opportunity within the football community.

The words of Walt Disney ring true for the club: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” In just one year, FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL has made remarkable strides. The club’s achievements speak volumes—within its first four months, the team secured the prestigious Cooperative Society’s Cup. It further qualified for the Super 8 in the ongoing Lagos Divisional Football League (2024-2025 season), and has even sent one of its players abroad for international trials. The momentum does not stop there; the club is now preparing to compete on an international stage at the 2025 edition of the Dana Cup in Denmark, further solidifying its reputation as a rising force in African football.

Built upon a foundation of strong ethical and moral principles, FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL is more than just a football club; it is a community that promotes excellence both on and off the field. The club takes pride in developing players who embody not only exceptional skills but also impeccable character. Respect, discipline, and integrity are at the core of the club’s ethos. Players are trained to uphold the highest standards of behavior, knowing that their actions reflect both on themselves and on the club. Those who fail to align with the club’s values are quickly removed, ensuring that only those with the right attitude and dedication remain to represent FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL. Today, the club is proud to boast a roster of athletes whose talent and character position them for success on the global football stage.

As the legendary abolitionist Harriet Tubman once said, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer.” While this club was born from one person’s vision, it is the collective effort of many that has brought it to where it stands today. FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL extends deep gratitude to the individuals and organizations who believed in this dream and offered their support along the way. Among these notable contributors is the club’s former coach, Hakeem, fondly known as Aliyah, and our current Technical Director and Pilot 1 Odika Arinze, whose dedication and efforts has left a lasting impact on the team. Special thanks also go to HillCross Energy Group, whose backing came at a time when many were hesitant to invest in a fledgling venture. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in propelling us forward.

As we look to the future, we are reminded of the saying, “Don’t be afraid to step into the unknown; it’s where new possibilities and opportunities await.” As FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL embarks on its second year, we do so with renewed focus, determination, and a resilience that will carry us through whatever challenges lie ahead. With unwavering faith in God, we believe that extraordinary accomplishments await us in the coming year. No obstacle will be insurmountable, and no dream too large.

We remain deeply grateful to the Almighty, whose guidance and grace have brought us this far. It is through His favor that we continue to grow and evolve, and we trust that He will take us beyond even our wildest dreams.

At FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL, our motto rings clear: “Na God Dey Run Am.”

Happy birthday to an emerging global powerhouse in football. Happy birthday to FC GEMSTONES INTERNATIONAL.

May this vision endure and flourish for as long as the world turns.


Club President,


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